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Demo video of Master's Research Project an augmented reality app with petrous temporal bone model and textbook illustration of cochlea

​​​Visuo-Haptic Learning of the Inner Ear:​ 

Using physical optical glyphs with Augmented Reality​


Andréa Zariwny
University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada


Abstract— A novel augmented reality (AR)-enabled teaching tool demonstrating the complex structure of the human cochlea to medical students.
The cochlea is a small but intricate anatomical structure often represented as a snail shell-like object. It is more accurately defined as a spiral negative space within the temporal bone, but this is difficult to convey with traditional teaching tools such as prosections and illustrations. Using a handheld tablet equipped with an integrated camera, digitally-rendered 3D models of this structure can be visually superimposed over illustrations of the cochlea and/or physical models of the petrous temporal bone, thus highlighting the negative space.

Keywords- augmented reality; 3D printing; visuo-haptic; anatomy; cochlea; pedagogy; mobile app (key words)

Learning about the cochlea is a significant challenge for medical students. It has a complex shape, it is small (< 4mm) and it is buried in the dense bone of the petrous temporal region. The cochlea is a spiral tunnel of negative space, which forms the bony labyrinth with semicircular canals. This can be challenging to illustrate and often shown and thought to be ¬a structure similar to a snail shell. This approach is misleading because the walls of the cochlea are not surrounded externally by space, but by solid bone.
The development of Augmented Reality (AR) technology provides an opportunity to create a digital graphic representation of hidden, or otherwise unavailable information, and incorporate it by means of a digital device with the surrounding environment. Using this technology to combine a digital functioning real-time animation of the spiral ganglion, with an accurate anatomical physical model of the cochlea, will facilitate visuo-haptic learning and provide supplementary means of obtaining structural and functional information on this difficult subject matter.
There are two different apps to guide the student through the micro and macro anatomy: (1) An AR mobile app using an illustration of the petrous temporal bone in cross section as an optical glyph to trigger a 3d graphic of the cochlear nerve, spiral ganglion, radial fibres, and fluid filled parts of the cochlea; (2) An AR mobile app using a physical scale model of the petrous temporal bone as an optical glyph to trigger a 3d graphic of the cochlear negative space of said bone.


A high-resolution CT scan provides the digital morphometric data of the bony labyrinth. This data is used to develop accurate illustrations and 3D digital models of the structure. An interactive AR module is next developed to display these models when the device camera recognizes the appropriate visual triggers (illustrations or glyphs). An extension of this module includes testing the recognition of physical models as triggers.​

A. Target Audience
Undergraduate medical and paramedical students especially those with interest in neurosurgery, ear nose and throat surgery, and audiology.

B. Measurement of Goals
Alan W Cole research grant provided by: The Vesalius Trust
The project will be evaluated by peer review and a team of anatomists and first year medical students from the University of Toronto in a usability test with time restrictions.


This is a proof of concept in technology-driven pedagogical design research. The methods and results are tightly integrated. To-date, results suggest that the illustrated cochlea is a highly suitable trackable object, effective in triggering a 3D representation. Experiments incorporating an optical glyph with a physical model are underway.​


The challenges associated with using AR to communicate the intricate structure of the cochlea include: (1) Rendering high polygon count 3D models within the authoring environment; (2) Providing adequate contrast levels in trackable 2D imagery without sacrificing detail; and (3) Managing the quality of physical models produced through rapid prototyping.​

Vesalius Trust, AMI, ISTAS, IAMSE, Gabby Resch, Steve Cory from Objex Unlimited for the 3D printing, Anton Semechko, Dr. Patricia Stewart, Marc Dryer, Biomedical Communications program, STTARR, The Association of Medical Illustrators, and the University of Toronto.​


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[Master's Research Project ] Visuo-Haptic Learning of the Inner Ear with physical optical glyphs and AR

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